Full of faith

The web is a very huge musical archive where you can find almost everything that exists, but it’s too big more or less for the beginners and the experts too, and it’s very hard to distinguish a useful file from many other billion files. Spiders of the search engines have been made for commercial purposes, and their attributions aren’t far from typical advertising mentality. Consequently, search engines easily find what it’s better in appearing, and they are not completely able to distinguish what it’s bad or not too bad. So, I thought to ask for full of faith people, because I’m feeling good when I got them. More than 25 years ago I was a disco DJ, but now I’m only an amateur web DJ; my virtual DJ sets have cultural and not commercial purposes, and they are not distributed on the territory of Italy. In this blog you can’t find any copy, because all the material is original and produced by me. I‘ve never received and I don’t want money.  

When you talk about disco music, the big flash of “disco sucks” commonplace can make you close your eyes and see nothing. From the dark side you can say things that someone wouldn’t like. The problem is that it isn’t easy to say obscure things with a logical sense. For example, I think that it’s difficult to sustain that in the seventies Lucky Luciano’s heirs were enthusiastic followers of the French style, or that Carlo Gambino was mad about Paul Pacini and Oliver Coquelin. To add something more about the seventies in NYC, how could you say that 300 disco clubs and their 200.000 regular visitors were all “gay” (1)? There’s also somebody who is sure that the gentleman Slim Hyatt was the first “disco DJ” of NYC. Specifically, this theory means that for seven years from 1963 to 1970 Hyatt made at Le Club miraculous things, and that the unknown 7” vinyl records he played with a terrible equipment had huge charm. It’s hard for me to believe this, also because when the praxis to play records was actually developed in NYC, not only for private parties but also in the Manhattan night clubs, Hyatt leaved Coquelin’s venue and he was replaced by Barry Lederer, who was a DJ with only two or three months of previous experience at the Firehouse in Fire Island.  

(1) = Making a web search under the keywords “Charles Grutzner journalist”, you’ll be able to know something more about the mentioned “gay explosion” in NYC.

To say the truth, I don’t know how much obscure are the things that I say in this blog. It seems to me that not everybody show that a lot of rock, pop and disco music belongs to the same myth (please listen to “Sabbath tonight fever”), and that this myth didn’t bring a lot of luck to the “believers”. And not everybody wish for a new dawn to the deceased DJs (please to “metempsychosis of the DJs). And not everybody discover new heroes & heroines (please listen to “unaware punks have more punch, by DJ Jocelyn ‘Killer Doll’ Bollocks”). And not everybody dare to talk about blackface in music (please listen to “blackface in music, vol.1 – Italy”). And not everybody can believe that love is subject to changes (please listen to “a musical picture of love changes”). And not everybody help those who are still looking for the philosopher’s stone (please listen to “Max Look’s mini-mix, king size secrets of kings”). And not everybody are keeping in mind that corpses move fast (please listen to “can’t stop the idea of stops”). And not everybody are by your side, when darkness falls across the land (please listen to “in a state of funk”). And not everybody make you notice that a lot of crime comes from the top (please listen to “coming from the top – Crime mix”). And not everybody dig deep into the roots of boogie (please listen to “from insult to tasty tune, that’s boogie”). And not everybody are aware that mods went at the same speed of the junglists of today (please listen to “mods at rhythms faster than 165 BPM”). And not everybody have participated to a rebellion without rebels (please listen to “against disco, a rebellion without rebels”). And not everybody can defend your false shelter (please listen to “non mi rompete 170 BPM”). And not everybody warn you about the barbarism of today (please listen to “web C60 … barbarism is alive”). And not everybody can measure the validity of progress (please listen to “life is a work in progress”). And not everybody know that amateur bombs are not necessarily fascist (please listen to “various points of view about bombs”). And not everybody appreciate partial pureness of heart (please listen to “impure transcendence for welcomed people”). And not everybody enlighten themselves with things dark at 95% (please listen to “filtered parody of human spirit”). And finally, not everybody go deep into the importance of legal highs (please listen to “feel so high with legal highs”).                                                                                                    

For many years and many years ago I’ve been a disco DJ for some local analogical radio stations in my country. At that time most of the radio DJs used to invite listeners to call on the phone for a musical request, and now I would like to do something similar in my blog. If you want, you can suggest some variations or something else (for instance: what page of this blog I have to delete soon or you don’t like; do you want me to remix a specific song?); in every case I’ll mail my answer to you. I don’t want money but reason. So, in terms of waiting, please be patient. By sending me your opinions or ideas you can improve this blog.  

If you think that your blog or website could be connected to this one, please ask it by mail, and don’t forget to send me your link. If I will agree, I’ll put your link in my home page (or somewhere else you like). Also in this case I don’t want money but reason. Your blog or website should talk about: musical trips; psychedelics; damned music and damned musicians or musical personalities; the birth/origin of disco music.  

I want to thank many people that I don’t know, they are welcome. I suggest the musical files, to everybody except for the Italians, because my sliders are hotter than my writer's pen. In this blog you can normally find something new every week; I modify this page when I upload something new (to have a quick answer to the question “is there something new?”, you can take a look at the following image). 

Only for the Italians (solo per gli italiani, avviso postato a far tempo dal giorno 8 luglio 2014, modificato il 13 agosto 2019 e il 9 agosto 2020) – 

Informazione preliminare: questo blog non contiene copie, ma solo produzioni originali dell’autore, in ogni caso non distribuite dal territorio italiano e prive di qualsiasi scopo commerciale. Avviso: gentili connazionali, da questo momento non potete considerarmi responsabile per qualsiasi forma di violazione del Decreto del Ministero dei Beni Culturali del 20 giugno 2014, pubblicato sulla gazzetta ufficiale n.155 del 7.7.2014, modificato dal Decreto del Ministero dei Beni Culturali 18 giugno 2019 (gazzetta ufficiale n.180 del 2.8.2019), e integrato dal Decreto del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo 30 giugno 2020 (gazzetta ufficiale n.195 del 5.8.2020), recante “Determinazione del compenso per la riproduzione privata di fonogrammi e di videogrammi”. Vi invito infatti a non usufruire del materiale contenuto in questo blog, qualora, in quanto ed eventualmente rientrante nel campo di applicazione del citato Decreto. Di ciò mi scuso, ma penso comunque di non essere responsabile delle decisioni delle Autorità italiane.