A lot of crime comes from the top

After many readings on the web, I can confirm what the most reliable sites are saying about criminals. Honestly, I had a prejudice, according to which poverty, social irrelevance and failures, scarce luck in businesses, and so on were a major cause of criminal behaviors. Well, the prejudice is absolutely wrong, and objective data, like official statistics of the most advanced countries, are showing that social condition is independent from the cited criminal behaviors. It means that crime exerts the same level of fascination on humans, with no differences of genre, of cultural formation, of religious and political beliefs, of social status, and of richness. The page is about the importance of that truth, factual and undeniable.  

First, I let you read the dozens of web sites in the matter of crimes committed by celebrities, and by rich and intelligent persons, with a successful present or a promising future. Here, I omit some of the names, nevertheless I care to underline what are the factors/situations leading VIPs to criminal behaviors. Of course, in brief, and under the form of a simple list, as follows: boredom; abuse of alcohol and drugs; sexual deviations; love for terror, under the shapes of excitement and pleasure; anger; desire for more money; cannibalism and uncontrolled animal impulses; appetite for revenge; mental disorders; a feeling of being stranger at home; the need of a fall, after a long period of huge success; something not classified, belonging to the deepest depths of mind, or to subconscious; not diagnosed mental pathologies; bad companies, and distorted friendships; and so on. The listed factors/situations are mostly banal, and rarely unheard before. A first conclusion, despite of the banality of common causes, you can notice that criminal minds are sometimes undiscovered, so that the provenience of crime results unforeseeable.  


As you can easily verify, the immortal wisdom of ancient Romans is still fundamental, because it has been confirmed by innumerable evidences, and never validly criticized. In effect, man is wolf to man, it’s a precious warning, able to save lives. For that, you can’t completely trust anyone, including the most correct politicians, the best technicians, the most prepared bureaucrats, the most credited scientists, the best criminal judges, the most fashionable journalists and writers, and so on. Is it a mere babble? I explain a situation that I know very well, for a better comprehension. The Constitution of Italy, much loved by leftist intellectuals, is producing a horrible kind of masked oligarchy, because career bureaucrats and elected politicians are not subject to any kind of popular control, such as binding mandate or regulated lobbyism. Consequently, Italians are forced to bear the destructive consequences of bureaucratic choices. Some painful examples: 

the absurd regulation of the banking sector wanted by Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, that has destroyed the national currency, and the solidity of Italian banks; 

the unmotivated theft of sums from banking accounts, established by Giuliano Amato; 

the uncontrolled and unjustified increases of salaries and privileges of career bureaucrats, established by Giuliano Amato himself; 

the reform of retirement approved by Lamberto Dini, responsible for the explosion of public debt; 

the access into the euro zone, decided by Romano Prodi, and not subject to referendum due to the norms of the Constitution itself, that, for now, has provoked the fall of Italy from the 4th world economic power to the 40th place for GDP per inhabitant (evidently, the crashing decadence is not over yet); 

the reform of local administrations by Franco Bassanini, according to which citizens have 3 different levels of insatiable and unstoppable enemies, 3 castes of bureaucrats operating under the flags of State, Regions, and Municipal Administrations; 

the consent to a colossal distraction of savings from the Monte dei Paschi bank, given by Mario Monti, and confirmed by Mario Draghi (I think, a part of the big money needed for a capillary corruption of criminal judges); 

and, alas, many more. 

The conclusion is clear, and equal to the title of the page. Well, believe me, political crime exists, and one of the most prominent theorists is the Machiavelli of Maryland.

As you’ve read, when the crime comes from certain VIPs and is committed in certain countries, it can be totally unpunished, and not remediable. Remember that even legality can be true or false, and when coming from one or more bureaucrats, or a restrict elite, it’s always false. So, if you don’t want to be me, a slave at home, don’t be fooled by the Machiavelli of Maryland, and his powerful friends of the deep State. Of course, the mash-up of the page is my unofficial remix of the song “coming from the top”. Yep, Lucifer himself has come from the top.     


File name is “Thievery Corporation Feat Eminem Vs Max Look DJ – coming from the top (Crime mix, end of July 2024)”, length 7’47”, rhythm at 109 BPM, unofficial remix of Thievery Corporation – coming from the top (1999), contains samples of Eminem – lose yourself (2002).