Don’t tear my false shelter down

 “Don’t wake me up, I pray you,

But let me sleep my slumber,

Either quiet like a child,

Or stinking like a drunk’s snore.

Why do you want to disturb me,

If perhaps I’m dreaming a wingy travel,

On a chariot without wheels,

Drag by the horses of mistral,  

On the wings of mistral.  

Don’t wake me up, I pray you,

But let me sleep my slumber,

There’s yet time before the daylight,

When the eyes soak with teardrops,  

My eyes … with teardrops.”

(Translation into English by Max Look DJ of the lyrics of the song Banco del Mutuo Soccorso – non mi rompete, Italy 1973)

My favorite song is Banco del Mutuo Soccorso (acronym: BMS) – non mi rompete, Italy 1973, because of the extraordinary pathos, and the fantastic solo of synthesizer. Even the content deserves to be analyzed, because it is an exception to the ordinary landscape of progressive rock in Italy, especially of the 70’s. In the second part of the page, I’m going to talk about the cited content. Unluckily, the song is not danceable. The basic rhythm is about 76 BPM, irregular and light, while the two refrains go at 192 and at 190 BPM, again rather irregularly. The refrains are sung, although without words, and with non-lexical vocables. I prefer the second refrain, longer, with a more constant rhythm, and containing the solo of synthesizer. Since the 80’s, I have had the dream of remixing “non mi rompete”, even if there was no way to adapt the remix to the dance music of that period. Around the year 1992, a new musical genre is born in the UK, named jungle music, or, more properly, drum ‘n’ bass. The most utilized rhythms of drum ‘n’ bass go at 170 BPM. Years after, casually, a greatest-hits on CD of the BMS come out from a corner of a library, while I was preparing a playlist of drum ‘n’ bass music. And suddenly the brilliant idea has come: why not recording a remix drum ‘n’ bass at 170 BPM of “non mi rompete”? Attempt after attempt, in August 2024 I have succeeded in putting into practice that idea. How? Through an ordeal, and the result has not a commercial standard. However, it’s fine, and the original pathos of the song has been maintained.  

The band BMS are not an exception to the rule of Italian progressive rock, because belongs to political correctness, with other words to political left, that dominates the cultural fields, at least since the late 60’s. Nevertheless, the song “non mi rompete” is a rare pearl, in quality of an unforgettable vision of the final effects of leftist policies. Kind of? An oligarchy made of untouchable bureaucrats, almost omnipotent and totalitarian, a small number of persons without rectitude, true moral values, ethical virtues, special intellectual qualities or abilities, humanity and compassion, only driven by Jacobinism and Machiavellianism. In the matter of bureaucratic dictatorships, the song “non mi rompete” communicates, in a highly emotional way, that common persons are forced to create false shelters, such as the abuse of alcohol, and that, when the eyes perceive what’s happening, teardrops are inevitable. Coming to the conclusion, the song is an artistic expression of intellectual honesty, so much elevate that your web DJ can only express respect, admiration, and deep mental participation. However, unluckily, intellectual honesty is not largely spread and, on the contrary, opportunist behaviors are much more frequent. On the other hand, the referred situation weakens even cultural monopolies. In effect, monopolists, such as the “free” press, talk and talk, while almost nobody is listening carefully.  


File name is “Banco del Mutuo Soccorso – non mi rompete 170 BPM (False Shelter Mix by Max Look DJ, Aug 2024)”, unofficial remix of a classic of Italian progressive rock, length 7’17”.  

The original lyrics into Italian language of “non mi rompete”: 

“Non mi svegliate ve ne prego 

ma lasciate che io dorma questo sonno,  

sia tranquillo da bambino 

sia che puzzi del russare da ubriaco. 

Perché volete disturbarmi 

se io forse sto sognando un viaggio alato 

sopra un carro senza ruote 

trascinato dai cavalli del maestrale,  

nel maestrale... in volo. 

Non mi svegliate ve ne prego  

ma lasciate che io dorma questo sonno,  

c'è ancora tempo per il giorno 

quando gli occhi si imbevono di pianto, 

i miei occhi... di pianto.”