Amateur bombs are not necessarily fascist

Today, Italy is surprisingly governed by a center-right political coalition. There are two situations never happened before. (1)- The Prime Minister, Mrs. Giorgia Meloni, is a woman, belonging to a right-wing party, named Fratelli d’Italia. She has received a political formation from a historical party, now ceased, the Movimento Sociale Italiano, that was a strict collaborator, although hidden, of some Christian Democrat Prime Ministers, such as the deceased Giulio Andreotti, still the best chief of government of the Italian Republic. (2)- The Prime Minister in charge has a large popularity among police forces, and among criminal judges. Thus, she’s not as institutionally weak as the deceased Silvio Berlusconi, who has been an easy target of criminal judges for all his political life. 

Well, in August, 2024, Mrs. Meloni has publicly declared that she doesn’t agree the bombing of the Bologna railway station on August 2, 1980, was a fascist terrorist attack, despite of the definitive pronunciation of the United Sections of the Court of Cassation, sentence number 21 of 22-23 November, 1995. For that, I have thought about functionaries of the police forces, including secret services, and of the judiciary, disposable to start again the criminal investigations in the matter of the Bologna massacre, from the beginning and without political prejudices, simply in search of the factual truth. About some of those facts, I wrote a page of the blog in October 2023, titled “You can’t call homeland a place where factual truth is stubbornly rejected”, now only in my private archive, on which I referred something undervalued about the two massacres of the year 1980, in Ustica and in Bologna, concluding as follow: “I believe that freedom and democracy depend on factual truth, even if, sometimes, factual truth can be horrible, disgusting, and extremely dangerous”. Today, I’ve acquired new elements, thanks to the web. Without forgetting my necessity of being extremely prudent, I feel that the cited page should be summarized, and updated, in order to give a small help to those who can legally search the factual truth of the above. Yes, the search would be really hard, due to political barriers, and to more than 40 years of constant, deep, and capillary disinformation. For instance, after the cited definitive pronunciation of the year 1995, other 3 criminal processes have been celebrated, and the fourth is still going on, with not legal purposes. The new processes only serve to continue the defamation against the political center-right of the country. Various million pages of judicial acts have been written, without any proven fact, or other kind of evidences, and filled with conspiracy theories, whose traces have never been seen by anyone in the real world. Even my non-Italian readers could find something useful for them, especially an indirect answer to the crucial question whether is worth or not to stipulate political agreements, or treaties, with those who exploit terrorism, as a tool for blackmailing governments. 

The update page you’re reading starts with the following excerpt of the previous page: 

The fifth government presided by Giulio Andreotti obtained the approval of the parliament of a privatization of the treatment of the personnel of the State Railways Autonomous Body (Azienda Autonoma delle Ferrovie dello Stato), the law number 42 of February 6, 1979. The law provoked the fierce opposition of the Italian communist party (PCI), that, notoriously, was getting a large part of its illegal financing from the control of the railway contracts, among which many small, never-ending, public works. The intention of the government was to stop the favorable conditions that allowed the described notable, illegal financing, through a complete privatization of the State railways. (omissis)

Itavia was a private company, founded by one of the princes Caracciolo, who were even the publishers of the leftist, political magazine named “L’Espresso”. The company ceased any activity in the year 1981, and the State administration, incredibly, has already restored a part of the “economical damages” with a sum of 265 million euro. A process is still going on at the Court of Cassation, for further damages, allegedly provoked by the closure of Itavia. On June 27, 1980, the takeoff of the Itavia airplane DC-9, flight IH 870, was delayed of 113 minutes, and the declared justification was a storm over Bologna. I’ve found the daily meteorological data of the same day. Effectively, there was a stormy rainfall, whose amount was 9 millimeters per square meter. You need to know that, during a medium intensity storm, 25 to 40 millimeters of rain falls per square meter, in about 1 hour. Consequently, you can say that the stormy rainfall over Bologna, on June 27, 1980, lasted for less than half an hour. Well, a heavy rainfall of about 30’ was not a sufficient justification for a delay of about 2 hours. Evidently, an unknown executive of the Itavia company made a deal with unknown persons, in order to let them do something on the airplane, such as, for instance, hiding a small bomb into the toilet. Before that, or successively, the unknown persons accurately controlled the list of the passengers. In the 80’s, authorities investigated about the plane crash, in the middle of the, above cited, flood of fake news. However, it’s known that it was possible to partly reconstruct the fallen plane. More, 7 autopsies have revealed that most of the passengers aren’t dead from the consequence of a big explosion, but from the breaking of the hull of the plane, and from violent hits. Finally, traces of explosives, not of the military kind, have been found on the remains of the plane. Thus, (…) it’s clearly proven that the fall of the plane was provoked by a small, internal explosion, strong enough to tear the hull of the vehicle. About the causes of the event, there was a, hardly deniable, complicity of the Itavia company. Any further explanation? The light can be found only by connecting the two massacres, of Ustica and of Bologna. For what I think, there’s only a logical hypothesis. On board of the DC-9, there was a number of persons, who” had important information about the preparation of the terrorist attack at the Bologna railway station.  “Those” persons “have been suppressed, because the organizer of the attack was not sure of their silence. After the two massacres, the privatization of the State railways was stopped for decades. It’s another significant fact, perhaps decisive.” As you can see from the two different styles of characters, I’ve lightly modified the previous page, chiefly because of the content of the update, that I’m going to write. 

As you’ve read, there’s a way based on facts to reconstruct the motives and the, unifiable, criminal plans of the two massacres. The update is in the matter of the means of committing the crime in Bologna.


First, the bomb. The most recent report of the criminal judges’ experts is clear, although, evidently, no judge has read it. The bomb was chiefly made of a mixture of TNT, taken from an explosive device left over from the World War II, and of RDX, which is commonly utilized at construction sites. The total weight was about 15 kilograms. What can you logically deduce? The bomb was not prepared by professionals, and the explosives were, and still are, easily findable at various of the sites where there are public works commissioned by the Railways administration (even in 2024, bombs of the WW2 are sometimes found, for instance, in Puglia region). Ok, is a similar bomb necessarily fascist? No, of course. 

Second, who knew about the bomb. The bomb was not a professional device, but an expert of explosives was needed, obviously not belonging to police forces. Can I propose three possible names to investigate? Yes, but the three persons are dead in the plane crash of Ustica. More precisely, I’ve chosen three persons among the victims, and the names were:  Ronchini Costanzo, Ugolini Pier Paolo, and Violanti Marco. Why them and not the other victims? Because they were three technicians of a company named “SNAM”, a private distributor of methane founded in 1941, with the participation of the National Methane Authority, a public body of the central government, notoriously deeply influenced by political left. The SNAM has had a constant collaboration with the Railways administration, never ceased. More, near Bologna, in a village named Minerbio, there’s an important seat of the SNAM. Another significant element, in the year 2022, after more than 40 years, the SNAM has commissioned a plaque in memory of the three technicians cited above, to be put beside the main access to the principal address.

It’s time for two conclusions. I humbly suggest to my Italian readers that amateur bombs are not necessarily fascist. Would some authority, not controlled by political left, like to verify whether I’m right or wrong? That’s what I hope, because a valid result would be the first step of Italy on the long, hard road to become a true democracy. To my non-Italian readers, I signal that a democracy, when based on institutional agreements with those who have exploited terrorism, ceases to be a true democracy, and becomes a bad kind of oligarchy, hit by unstoppable decadence, demographic, cultural, socio-political, and, last but not least, economic.


File name is “various points of view about bombs, by Max Look DJ (Sept 2024)”, 1 hour and 22’ of danceable tracks about explosives. 

Amateur bombs, the playlist:

Knowtoryus – bomberclad joint 

Chalice – hit you like a bomb 

David Bowie – little bombardier 

Rage Against the Machine – bombtrack 

Buzz Bomb – disturbance in the area

Duncan Browne – on the bombsite 

Refractory – check the bomb 

Serious Word + One – bombs come down 

Honey Cone – sittin’ on a time bomb

Sergent Garcia – oye mi bomba 

Lee Charles – sittin’ on a time bomb 

Papo Lucca – bombeando

Don Cherry – there is the bomb 

Johnny Hates Jazz – I don’t want to be a hero

Bomb the Bass – megablast

Television Personalities – how I learned to love … the bomb 

Herbie Hancock – the bomb

Grant Green – cease the bombing 

Gap Band – you dropped a bomb on me

Laidback Luke feat Jonathan Mendelsohn – timebomb