
Nowadays, millionaires are not exactly rich

Decades ago, millionaires were carefree and wealthy people. Years after years, for instance, in the USA millionaires have become many more, about 22 million, although they are still only the 11% of the entire population. Today, especially in Occidental countries, millionaires have to face notable worries, and can’t afford luxury consumptions. For that, the most reliable web pages affirm that millionaires belong to middle class. American writers, whom I’ve read, agree that the American dream, that is to become rich starting from a poor status, by the means of personal work and commitment, is not true, and has never been true. More clearly, no rich person is born proletarian, and to make money requires a lot more than mere will and abilities. However, the American system still remains the best in offering opportunities to a large number of those who want a social growth. All over the world, experts have noticed a process of concentration of richness, that’s provoking two effects: billionaires are less and less, richer and richer. Moreover, some of the billionaires have acquired a big political influence. Given that millionaires are not exactly rich, the page would like to offer a brief analysis of the reasons of their social decadence. 

Previously, I see that Marxist theory and economic analyses have proven fallacious, and the most evident of the reasons is that belonging to a social class doesn’t provoke any social solidarity. Thus, proletarians are ignoring other proletarians, when there’s not a bureaucratic caste to keep together and organize them (for interests of the caste). Almost every economic analyst is talking about inflation, and interest rates, the factors that are causing a substantial equivalence between a millionaire of today and the owner of 300.000 $ in the 80’s. Well, I can propose a key to read the following, two important and undeniable data: global public debt is always on the rise, and higher than $ 100 trillion; currency devaluation is global, and continuously worsening. A brief warning: my simple observation is highly politically incorrect, so that almost no one dares to make affirmations similar to mine. I think that Keynesian theories, according to which public expense can increase demand of goods, and then richness, are inspiring more and more invasive interventions of state apparatuses over national economies, with subsequent effects over global economy. What is the problem? The problem of Keynesian theories is that the increase of public expense is rather responsible of a huge distortion of markets. More precisely, cartels, oligopolies, and monopolies are automatic consequences of public interventions in the field of economy. In effect, there’s a part of richness independent from demand and offer of goods, and bound to acquired, favorable market positions, that are boosted by the distortion of the above. How influential are restricted and unfair markets? No surprise, they are decisive, and welcomed by career bureaucrats. Some examples of the cited consequences of economic, public interventions: the huge public debt of the USA is largely in the hands of the worst enemy of the American system, the Republic of China; the presidents of the USA have not enough powers for containing the pervasive presence of the federal apparatus, and are forced to invoke a helping hand from certain capitalists; hidden, Satanic deals, such as the engineering of the SARS-COV2 virus, or the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, are possible and more and more desired, in order to satisfy exclusively the interests of some powerful lobbies; globally, career bureaucrats are on the way to become omnipotent, even if their presence is a serious menace to collective richness; and so on. 


The conclusion is that public powers are dominating the world, even if the inevitable consequences are explosion of global public debt, and global, dramatic currency devaluation. For that, the growth of public expense inevitably implies destruction of richness, a result opposite to Keynesian theories. So, if you want to be effectively richer, you need someone like Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, and Javier Milei. More than that, rumors of world war, and wrong social policies largely depend on the excessive invadence of public powers. About those topics, I promise a future page. For now, the mash-up of the page is an unofficial remix of "millionaire blues", a song by the Dire Straits.        

File name is “the War on millionaire blues by the Dire Straits, feat Max Look DJ (Xmas 2024)”, length 4’20”, rhythm at 110 BPM, it’s an unofficial remix of the Dire Straits – millionaire blues (1991), contains samples of the War – millionaire (1979).

The lyrics that I’ve maintained:

I got the blues right there, mean and low

I'm as low as the heels of my alligator shoes

You should know how it feels to have these millionaire blues

Millionaire blues

Ah, I like that

That's good

Get down!

You're making a very big mistake, man

Oh yeah

You'll never work in this town again

All right